Search suggestions and results
We use many factors to provide you with the most accurate search results.
When you perform a search, we look at the following factors to determine the best products to show you:
- Product name
- Brand
- Style
- Product type
- Gender
- League
- Sport
- Product description
In addition, your results are shown (or ranked) using the following factors:
- Matching relevance
- Product popularity (engagement, sales, etc.)
- Marketing tactics (boosting, pinning, burying)
- Product type
- Primary color
- Brand
Once the initial results are returned, you may then sort by these additional options:
- Alphabetical (A to Z)
- Customer rating
- New arrivals
- Price (Low to High)
- Price (High to Low)Top sellers
- Brand names (A to Z)
- We will continually update this information to reflect any changes to these factors.
Product recommendations
Product recommendations may use the following factors to improve your shopping experience:
- Your search history
- Your purchase history
- What other customers bought
- Popularity